The PhD student is expected to work independently and in groups as well as in close collaboration with other research groups at the department and within NanoLund. We have a large network of international cooperation partners and the PhD studies might include an exchange with another University or a secondment in in industry.


The Lund University is inviting applications for research center NanoLund. The aim is to use nanoscience and nanotechnology to address societal challenges, and it is our ambition to be a Great Place to do Nanoscience: to be an international, highly visible nanoscience center that offers exceptional scientific opportunities, training, and career development.

NanoLund Distinction for PhD students; Education for professionals; Society & Industry. Public & Schools. Visitor Programs; Popular scientific presentations; We welcome collaborations; Spin-off companies; Contact & People. NanoLundians within Lund University; NanoLundians elsewhere “Now it’s really happening. We are using nanotechnology solutions in everyday life throughout society, whether it’s to diagnose cancer with a high level of precision or using invisible components that allow us to build solar cells into buildings”, explains Anders Mikkelsen, professor of synchrotron radiation who took over take over as the new director of NanoLund from 2021. NanoLund in Swedish. Listen.

Nanolund phd

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PhD students constitute roughly 1/3 of the staff engaged in NanoLund and are an important and integrated part of the NanoLund was founded in 1988 and is since 2010 a Strategic Research Area funded by the Swedish government. NanoLund NanoLund is encompassing 55 research groups in the faculties of engineering, science and medicine, and more than 130 PhD students. NanoLund, Lund University Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden Visiting address: Professorsgatan 1 Telephone +46 (0)46 222 00 00 (switchboard) NanoLund, Lund University Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden Visiting address: Professorsgatan 1 Telephone +46 (0)46 222 00 00 (switchboard) NanoLund, Lund University Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden Visiting address: Professorsgatan 1 Telephone +46 (0)46 222 00 00 (switchboard) The PhD student is expected to work independently and in groups as well as in close collaboration with other research groups at the department and within NanoLund as well as in close collaboration with the group at Helmholz Zentrum Berlin where perovskites will be deposited. Pradheebha Surendiran Doctoral Student. Solid State Physics. NanoLund.

Coordinator of Exploratory Nanotechnology, NanoLund, Associate Professor, Lund Teaching and supervision of PhD- and MSc-students and post-doctoral  The latest Tweets from NanoLund (@NanoLund). Interested in a Ph.D.

The programme is part of NanoLund, one of the world’s leading nanoscience research centres. You will interact with cutting-edge research throughout the programme, starting in the first semester and building up to the Master’s project.

The first event will take place on November 29 at 17:00 in k-space, where Heiner Linke will give an overview of the research at NanoLund and PhD students will present their own research. This will be followed by The programme is part of NanoLund, one of the world’s leading nanoscience research centres. You will interact with cutting-edge research throughout the programme, starting in the first semester and building up to the Master’s project.

NanoLund är Lunds universitets centrum för nanovetenskap och NanoLund har ett omfattande internationellt nätverk av samarbetspartners inom industri Doktorand i lingvistik · PhD student position in Quantum Materials 

Nanolund phd

June 2018: Stefan Holm joins the group as Postdoc. February 2018: Zhen Li successfully defended her PhD thesis. November 2017: Article on cellular traction forces published in Nanoscale. Link to … The programme is part of NanoLund, one of the world’s leading nanoscience research centres. You will interact with cutting-edge research throughout the programme, starting in the first semester and building up to the Master’s project. PhD and post-doctoral levels.

Person. Research areas and keywords: Exciton dynamics in metal-halide … Kristi Adham Doctoral Student.
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Nanolund phd

Strong Research Environments / Strategic Research Areas.

With more than 130 PhD students and an annual turnover of 19 M€, we are Sweden’s largest research environment for nanoscience and nanotechnology. Research Portal. Find researchers, research outputs (e.g. publications), projects, infrastructures and units at Lund University Since NanoLund became a Strategic Research Area in 2009, the number of postdocs and PhD students has tripled, whereas the number of Faculty Members (research group leaders) has remained approximately constant.
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NanoLund Distinction for PhD students Education for professionals NanoLund, Lund University Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden Visiting address: Professorsgatan 1

NanoLund, the Center for Nanoscience at Lund University, engages 55 research groups in the faculties of engineering, science and medicine.